04.03.2011 – Making a SPLASH with Joop!

Woke up this morning more annoyed than ever, I am sick and tired of it being so bloody cold and grey. Tired of it. Would like some sunshine and warmth already. Please, universe send some over. Thanks. I rolled (literally) out of bed, wrapped on some lycra and headed to the gym for a quick morning workout. Arrived back home, breakfast, shower, you know the usual morning routine. As I was getting dressed I realized that I needed an extra BOOST today, to make sure I wont commit a mass murder in the tube on the way into town. As I glanced over the bed side table and the selection of scents, I remembered that I had just bought a new fragrance from The Perfume Shop, that had arrived few days back. Whoop! After unwrapping the bottle I realized why I had ordered it in the first place. The scent is woody and citrusy, very fresh. Just the thing I needed this morning. I smell like a sexy urban gay. Done. The scent includes wild cassowary fruit, coriander plus cardamom and calypsone to add a masculine touch. I smell divine. Just come and sniff me today, then log on to The Perfume Shop and order one, quick and free delivery and great price. Done and Done.
The universe is balanced.


I WANT a Nespresso PIXIE!


I am in coffee heaven. It’s the first of March, my birthday month and the start of spring. Whooop! As if this wasn’t going to be enough on the excitement scale, Nespresso have launched a new machine and I wants it. Preferably now. Yesterday would have been great. Although, you can only get it starting today. Hmmp.

You all know my Nespresso addiction, I have at least three cups every day, more if it is the weekend. I was never “sold” on Nespresso until I was lucky enough to get my first machine as a birthday present some six years ago. Crikey. It has been that long! In a true Msalonen way, I am totally addicted. Few months back my current machine had a little tantrum and would not work for few days. I thought it was broken, it was not. It just wasn’t plugged in. The shame. Anyway, my current machine is starting to get to the stage, that I would like a new one. Nothing wrong with it, I would just like a new one. Something shiny to look at in the mornings. You know? So you can imagine my excitement this morning as I was ordering more coffee and I realized that there is a new machine on the market. I quickly ordered our capsules, easy peasy and then decided to look into Pixie properly, I read all the info I could find and my ears were burning. I need this machine. I was so desperate for more info and to see it, that over lunch I went to my nearest Nespresso Boutique and had a proper look.

I love it. I must have it. Now. Please. Nespresso has done a lot of research for the new machine, listened to their members yet again and developed something amazing, The Pixie. First of all, its tiny. Actually teeny. Will fit into the smallest of kitchen and with the six different colour options, I am sure you will find one that will fit your mood. I am thinking between the indigo blue and the aluminium. Both very stylish and sassy. The ever so helpful staff were there to answer my 1001 questions. Nespresso has effectively origami:ed their machine parts to make Pixie the smallest machine yet. I am amazed. They made everything tiny, yet didn’t scarifies any of the values that Nespresso is known for.

The Pixie turns itself off after 9min, which is awesome to someone like me, who keeps running back home after he is half way down the road to check if he had actually switched the machine off. It of course never is still on, but knowing that this one does itself, great. They somehow also managed to speed up the heating time, which now only takes under 30 seconds. I mean really, my machine is pretty fast, but this is light speed. The machine talks without saying anything, it can tell me when it is ready to brew and when he water tank needs filling up. The best news yet? It requires three times less descaling than the previous models. Hurrah! Never a task I enjoy.

Pixie has entered the market as a mini sized superhero, that does all the tricks as the previous models and then some, plus it consumes 40% less energy as other A class machines. It really is a superhero and I would like to get one now. And by now, I meant yesterday. I cant wait to be able to slide in my favorite capsule, press the button and enjoy my little daily treat. *amaze*