Grooming news : Jason Shankey

Srcub it

As you guys are well aware, my bathroom cabinet includes brands like Darphin, Bobbi Brown, Sarah Chapman, Origins etc. I realized that everything is very girly and most of you lot wont go and buy a product if it is in a pale green pump. The idea was to find a more butch product line that all the men (gays included) would be happy to buy and display in your bathrooms, enter Jason Shankey. Jason has been making waves in the grooming world for a while now and after testing his Exfoliating Face and Scalp Scrub, I now know why! This scrub is really quite brilliant.

Ground olive stones and pumpkin extracts work in the scrub to gently remove nasty dead skin and debris. Plus the added bonus from ginger and African Pepper really boost the skin up. The best thing? You can use this scrub on your face and scalp. I know how you men get, the less products the better. With this you can get it all scrubbed in one go. Sorted!

If you want to say goodbye to clogged pores and ingrown hairs, and say hello to refined skin, that’s smooth and soft to touch, I would really recommend this scrub. Plus it looks butch in the bathroom. Winner.

About MMalherbe
Marko Malherbe is the Editor of, a life style site for girls, guys and gays. You can find me on twitter

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